Attitude is everything!
Ever wandered about the roadmap to achieving the biggest of dreams? Dreams that send you thrills and chills down your spine at a mere thought of them.
There is a cocktail of issues to dissect in order to get to this big dream realization. In this error of information and technology, as the generation transitions through to Artificial Intelligence episodes, many ideas spring up through one’s mind, as the level of exposure is “through the roof”.
Attitude is one of the cores to our big dream realization. Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”. Have it right and you will see these dreams come to pass and have it wrong and you will remain a loser.
If you think of it, every aspect of life is based on our attitude. We live, act, behave in a particular way because that’s how we think. Having seen a roadmap to achieving our biggest dreams as being our “attitude”, let us see what attitude is.
Attitude, what is it?
According to Britannica Dictionary, attitude is the way you think and feel about someone or something. Our attitude determines what we are. Attitude is the response one decides to make to the external environment in which one is placed. It determines the outcomes of a particular engagement.
Scripture says “For as he thinks within himself, so is he. He will grudgingly say, go ahead and eat all you want, but in his heart, he resents the fact that he must pay for your meal”- (Proverbs 23:7). You are what you think. You can never be what you aren’t or don’t think. This is that fact. Whatever it is that you think within yourself; that is what you are. You will act, behave, and live according to your thinking. Like it or not you can never rise beyond your attitude. You will eventually make it in life if you think you can make it and you will eventually lose in life if you think that you can’t amount to anything.
A Small Pondering Nugget About Attitude!
Do you know that the word “attitude” yields 100% if we are to perform a weighting schedule to it? Well, we can explore this by basing on the fact that there are twenty six letters that make up the alphabet. The weighting scale starts from 1 to 26, where by A is 1 and Z is 26.
A |
1 |
T |
20 |
T |
20 |
I |
9 |
T |
20 |
U |
21 |
D |
4 |
E |
5 |
100% |
I would like to envisage attitude as a discipline one entails as they circle around the dynamics of life. The reason as to why a discipline and attitude are inseparable is because they are both picked up by the host and put to function in anticipation of particular results. In most cases, we would like to realize positive results and so we need to check our attitude because it yields 100% result as shown above. If one invests in 100% negativity into something, then the yield will be 100% negative and the reverse is true.
Big Dream Realization
Having briefly pointed out the functionality of attitude, ‘big dream realization’ is an end result of the kind of response one has to give to these processes including:
- The process of forming mental image of things and events (dreaming)
- The process of considering or reasoning out the dream (thinking),
- The process of showing adventurous courage (daring),
- The process of engaging in activities that will make your dream realized (doing) and
- The process of continuing the course of action despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success (persevering).
Attitude is the umbrella to dreaming, thinking, daring, doing and persevering. The achievement of a big dream will be centered around these stages and no stage will be reached upon without having the right attitude. A positive attitude guarantees a positive result and a big dream realization.
Summing it up
In big dream realization our attitude is very key because we can’t rise beyond of what we think of ourselves. Often, we crush our dreams because of our negative attitude. It is high time we changed and stopped having a negative attitude because negativity yields negativity and positivity yields positivity. Let us change our attitude. It is the barrier standing between us and our dreams. We can all have a positive attitude. Changing our attitude is a choice and everyone has power to choose between the right or wrong attitude. John C. Maxwell said that people may hear your words, but they feel your attitude” so stop thinking that you will realize your dreams by just talking. Instead let people feel your attitude by doing what is right.
How is your mental state right now? What is on your mind? What are you thinking or feeling towards your dreams “Do you have the right attitude towards your dreams!” Big dreams await you. All you need to do is to change your attitude.
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