
Mindfulness Changes Series (004) – Speak healing words every single day 

Healing words, what are they?

Healing refers to the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, to heal means to make free from injury or disease. To heal is to make sound or whole, to make well again or to be restored.

According to Merriam Webster dictionary a word is a brief remark or conversation. A word is something that is said.

This means that any words said intended for making a person sound, healthy, cure, mend, whole, well again or restored are healing words.


Why healing words are important.

When you speak healing words, you offer others fruit from the tree of life. But unhealthy, negative words do nothing but crush their hopes (Proverbs 15:4 -TPT).


Healing words are necessary and important to everyone. Most of the people have bodies, minds and spirits that are wounded. It’s not only a person you see in the hospital or the one that buy medicine from the pharmacy that is sick. The biggest percentage of people have sickness that is hidden in the mind which if not treated could result into mental illness. Sometimes people don’t disclose their pain and often have a lot of internal conversations running through their mind. Someone could be struggling with low self-esteem because someone repeatedly spoke deadly words in their life.


Just imagine the impact someone could cause in your life if they repeatedly called you a burden, a good for nothing, a fool, a hopeless, a stupid feller etc. These words are harmful. Words spoken; negative or positive are powerful. Yehuda Berg is quoted in a saying that “Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.”


The lives of many innocent souls have been shuttered due to negative words spoken to them. If only a few kind words could be spoken in their lives; they would feel restored. Speaking healing words would act as a therapy towards their mind, body, and soul.


The Impact the words we speak.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).

Each word spoken has an impact. It either build or break someone. The more heart breaking words are spoken into our lives, the more heart broken we become. And the more positive words spoken into our life the more positive we become. So many students have accepted that they have low brains because their teachers or parents said so.


Some people have too far in putting other people’s lives down and are seriously causing damage to them. Instead of speaking words that are of benefit, we instead speak words that aren’t helpful in building others. The way we speak isn’t lifting people at all but only bringing them down. Why?


A parent once testified and said:

Praise God Church! “I thank God for the far he has brought me with my child. Standing beside her child, she burst into tears and said:


Because of my misunderstandings with my husband, I always directed my anger towards my children.  Whenever my husband said I am stupid, I would also tell my children too that they were stupid. The more I told them that they were stupid, the more they brought report cards that were bad, until they became the last performers in class. My words had affected my children, but I could not realize it. They too had reached a level where they had accepted that they were stupid and sometimes whenever I would shout at them, they would still not listen to me. Time reached my husband left me, and I hardly had school fees to pay. Since my children had repeated the same class three times, I asked them to sit at home and to do housework.


But one day, an evangelist came to my house and told me the good news about Jesus Christ. After she asked to take Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior which I did. She prayed for me and spoke words of healing to me and encouraged me to take the children back to school. She said to me that God would provide the school fees.


I started fellowshipping and learnt to speak positive words to my children. I started appreciating my children’s marks and would comfort them that they would do better next time even when one of them got a 06% in one the subjects a final exam. Then I praised their beauty and brightness and always told them that they were the best gift I have.  My children’s marks started getting better. They started being among the best five students and later one become the top best performer in class.


Today I am here to thank God that my child whom I had called good for nothing graduated. She is now a doctor, got her job on the very day of graduation, very soon she will be flying out for the first time for some engagements, and she is getting married in one month. I thank God so much.


See what damage a parent had caused to her children, burying their dreams with her negative words. If it wasn’t for someone else to speak some healing words to her, she wouldn’t have changed the way she spoke over her children and she wouldn’t have given this testimony.


Looking back at Life

When I heard this testimony, my heart sunk, and tears came out of my eyes. I remembered how one of my parents used to call us stupid, good for nothing children, abusing us with hurting words. The people that surrounded us often told us statements that caused pain in our lives as children.


It has been words (positive or negative) spoken upon my life that have yielded the result of what I have become. My low or high esteem came because of spoken words in my life. Always struggled with believing in myself because many had not believed in me. I will never stop attributing most of my healing from my workplace – SADRiNE. At my workplace people care, they value others, they are concerned of someone’s well being. They don’t let something go unnoticed. I do thank God so much for my workplace.


Do you have a thought of a healing word? Speak it out.

“For anything to be a word, it has to be written or spoken otherwise it remain a thought” – Joel Osteen.


I am here to encourage you to never leave a healing word as a thought. When convicted to speak a healing word to someone, do so because God hasn’t placed that thought in your heart for no reason. He wants you to tell it to that person you encountered.


Dear employers, work colleagues, teachers, and all people in service; please never let a day end without speaking a healing word to someone in your space. Let us put off the pride and appreciate people for who they are; what they are good at, what they have done, if they are smart on a particular day; let them know. If you see a strength in them mention it out. Build people up as much as you can with at least a word. one one may have told him or her what you may tell them.


To families (parents, children, siblings), please stop saying unwholesome talks that doesn’t build at all but instead break the people around us. Many of us while at home are very nagging. It my prayer to God to help us stop this habit because its causing damage to our children and partners. No one wants to be around a person who nags. How about appreciating the little a partner brings in, avoiding complaining, making their heart glad with a healing word like “I thank you for working hard just to ensure that we have food on the table, to ensure children are in school, to ensure bills are cleared and more so to ensure that we get a better life than this”. “I thank you for praying for me, for taking care of kids”.


Let people at home know that you love them. Don’t assume that because you told your husband or wife on a wedding day, that you love them, they don’t need to hear it. The children need more of the parents compliments even when parents feel like their children aren’t performing to their standards. Thank your children when they help with housework, when they bring a report card, thank them when you notice something good, they have done and encourage instead of yelling when things go wrong.


Whenever my boss mention that my report is good or say “thank you” my productivity gets boasted. Daniel my work colleague often mentions statements like I believe in you, you are a wise woman, you are a strong woman. When these compliments are said, these people don’t notice that they aren’t just making a compliment, but they are telling me healing words which have helped my wounds to heal. Everyone at my workplace has played a very big part in lifting my spirit. Because they believe in me, I believe in myself.


Just simple words of encouragement, compliments from my workplace helped me change my perspective. I will not keep this as a thought to myself. My boss Eng. Jjuuko Samuel and my work colleagues Rosette, Daniel, Ismael, I value you. Thank you for uplifting my soul with your healing words. Sometimes they have been funny jokes, yet they have changed a whole outlook of me.


Speak, Speak, Speak Healing Words

I emphasize the speaking of healing words because I nearly lost my lovely young brother to suicide. My brother had attempted to commit suicide just because he felt like someone did not love them. Thankfully God saved his life. My brother wasnt mentally sick as doctor saught that he had to be keep at Butabika hospital. He needed loving words because no one ever told him loving word including our parents; not that they didn’t but he needed to hear them said to him.


So, I made it a habit to tell my brother every morning before he leaves for school that I love him, that he is a blessing in the family, that he is going to excel more than me, that he is bright, that he is handsome, each day I declare a blessing upon him to excel in school, in life and in all he does. I appreciate him when he does housework etc.


I can tell you that he is very okay and happy. Nowadays he also lifts me up by telling me healing words. Surely no day passes when doesn’t thank me, he declares a blessing to me too every day and he appreciates whatever I put on table. I remember a few days when we ate food without sauce, but he still appreciated me every day without missing for buying food; something he never did in the past. So, it’s worth the effort speaking healing words. They have an impact that can change our lives for the better.


Summing it up

“Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits” -Proverbs 16:24 TPT.

I urge you to make it your daily habit to speak a few healing words starting right from your family to the people you encounter on the way, in a taxi, or on foot, that gate man at your home or workplace, that shop attendant, that fuel station attendant, a person you meet in a supermarket, a person you meet at church etc. Wherever you are; for as long as there is someone you can give a remark to, say it out. Help lift someone up, help someone push through challenges and reach where God destined them to be.


If you keep the thought towards yourself and don’t say it out it will not help you and yet if you said it out, it might end up making someone’s day or life better. It only takes one of a few minutes of your entire day. Find someone to tell a healing word. Utter it out. Do not just leave it as a thought.  You could make someone’s day, and much more could change someone’s entire life for better.


Have you spoken a healing word today? How often do you speak a healing word to people you encounter? Don’t feel good when someone you helped came back to you to thank you for lifting them up or for helping then believe in themselves. How about when this person goes around commending you for turning around their lives. Let us change the lives of people around us with a few consistent healing words.


*************** Thank you for sparing you time to read! ***************

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