
Mindfulness Changes Series (019) – Rebuild Your Future Through Self-Coaching

Self-Coaching – What is it?

Self-coaching is a personal development and self-improvement technique that involves using various strategies and tools to reflect on your thoughts, behaviors, action, and goals, with the aim of achieving personal growth, greater self-awareness, and improved performance. It’s a process of self-reflection and self-guidance, where you act as both the coach and the client. This means you’re responsible for asking yourself questions, providing guidance, and setting and monitoring your own goals and progress. Self-coaching can be applied in various areas of life, including career development, personal relationships, physical health, and emotional well-being.


I am in a state where I am trying and at the same time struggling to create the life I want. And how I am doing this is by being conscious of my thoughts and actions. I’ve come to the realization that I make my life the way I want it by thinking, feeling, and acting. I’m having a hard time with my health right now, but if I take a hard look back at some of the things that have been contributing to my poor health over the years, I notice that some of the effects of that health were brought about by the actions I took. Actions like poor eating habits, not exercising, inadequate sleep, negative thinking, etcetera.


I wish I could see all the consequences that could have followed my decisions in the past. But it’s never too late to fix things. I believe that I have a significant degree of control and responsibility for the direction my life takes. And I possess the power of personal agency. In other wards I can actively create the life I want through conscious and deliberate internal choices through self-coaching.


How Jimmy Nail Used Self-Coaching to Change his life and Succeed

Recently, I stumbled upon an intriguing narrative. It is the story of a man who has achieved considerable success in the fields of television, film, script writing, writing, singing, songwriting, and music. This man is known as Jimmy Nail. As a child, Jimmy was raised in an impoverished area of Northern England, where he was exposed to brutality on a daily basis. His response was to respond with violence. At the age of ten, he was renowned as one of the most resilient children in the area. His peers did not believe that life could be different, and few of them had achieved great success. Despite his difficulties, he had one major advantage over his peers – his mother.


“Have big dreams, son”, she would say. “Because there is nothing you cannot achieve”.


Jimmy had a dream. He loved to read and wanted to become an English Teacher. Unfortunately, that dream died when he was turned down by the local government school and sent to an extremely rough secondary school. Years later, he found out that he had actually passed the entrance exam but was turned down because of his reputation. He ended up getting expelled for vandalism. After a few years of drinking and doing boring factory work, he ended up in prison for beating someone up at a football game. And this period while in prison proved to be a turning point in his life.


While confined in prison, Jimmy came to the realization that his current behavior was not leading him in the right direction, and he decided to make a change. Something within him compelled him to believe that, regardless of what had transpired in the past, he could create a new beginning. Consequently, he established some objectives for himself. Upon his release from prison, he established a business of purchasing rundown homes, refurbishing them, and then selling them. One day, he noticed a newspaper advertisement inviting actors to join a new television series in which a group of laid-off construction workers were searching for employment in Germany.


Impressed by his hard exterior and blunt manner, they offered him part of Oz, the turbulent bricklayer, which was his first step on the road to fame and fortune. He had since gone to become an internationally acclaimed entertainer, continually in demand.


The Cause for Transformation for Jimmy Nail

In examining Jimmy’s narrative, it is evident that there were several factors that contributed to his success, happiness, and prosperity, which must have been way beyond what he dreamed of when he was in his teen and early 20s. Jimmy used the Law of cause and effect to help him out, which states that “Every effect has a specific and predictable cause, and every cause or action has a specific and predictable effect.


This implies that everything that is happening in our lives today is an outcome that is a consequence of a particular cause. And those causes are the choices and actions that we make every day. It doesn’t matter if our choices seem small and relatively unimportant, or if they are huge and transformational in nature. Every choice we’ve made and every action we’ve taken has caused something to happen, and that’s what we’re seeing right now.


While Jimmy may not have been aware that his thoughts and imagination were the prime causes of his personal transformation, his personal transformation began with a change that happened in his ears. As mentioned in his story, Jimmy had set an intention and set himself some goals. He had used the power of the mind to break bad habits, build positive beliefs and to visualize a successful future. He had gained new knowledge, acquired new skills. First as a builder and a businessman. Then as an actor, a writer, a musician etcetera.


He gradually grew into the man he needed to be to achieve this ambition. The gentle man candidly assessed his situation. He considered his opinions, and made a plan, to take action – lots of it and kept track of the results of his actions then adjusted his strategy accordingly. Whenever an opportunity presented itself, he grabbed it with both hands. He kept going, showing patience and persistence, both in setting up his business, then establishing himself as an entertainer.


We all have something that’s happened to us in the past, just like Jimmy. Some of us our past is even worse than that of Jimmy. We can keep trying to figure out what caused it, or we can start setting new goals, changing our thinking, thinking about the future, and how we change the way we live our lives for the better. In other words, we can use the principle of cause-and-effect to help us get where we want to go. That’s what self-coaching is all about. Self-Coaching is about guiding ourselves to happiness and success. The two terms “happiness” and “success” mean different things to each of us. Thus, it is good that you define them based on what they mean to you in each area of your life.

Strategies For Rebuilding the Future to Realize Success in Your Lives.

Drawing from Jimmy’s story, let’s look at some of the steps you can embrace to realize success in life.


  • Set clear goals

The first step in achieving success is to clearly define what you want to achieve and establish a timeline for achieving it. Whatever goal you want to achieve make sure it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The essence of defined SMART goals is that they will give you a clear direction and purpose.


  • Use the power of your mind

Many of the actions and activities we engage in do indeed originate in the mind. Thus, it is very important to cultivate a positive mindset. Positivity, undoing negative conditioning, and building positive beliefs are essential for maintaining motivation and focus. Your imagination can help you visualize your success and create a mental image of the life you want.


  • Acquire Knowledge, Qualities, and New Skills

To reach your goals, you need to put an emphasis on personal growth and self-improvement. Because your goals may need you to equip yourself with the new knowledge, qualities, and skills. Continuously learning and growing is crucial to becoming the person capable of realizing your ambitions. So, take conscious effort to invest in self-improvement and personal growth in order to become the person you need to be to realize your ambitions.


  • Evaluate your current situation

Take a realistic assessment of where you are right now in relation to your goals. Asses your current circumstances, strengths, weaknesses, and resources. Doing this is aimed at helping you understand your where you ought to stat from so that you can create a plan that take your current situation into account and identify areas that need improvement.


  • Consider your options

Once you’ve evaluated your current situation, explore the various paths available to you. Explore different strategies and pathways that can lead you toward your goals. Analyze the available option, evaluate their pros and cons and choose the one that aligns best with your objectives.


  • Take action – the right action and lots of it

Action is where the rubber meets the road. You need to execute your plan, and not just any action but the “right action.” Consistency and effort are essential. Success is often the result of persistent, well-directed effort. Take lots of right actions while maintaining momentum.

  • Monitor Your Progress and Adjust where necessary

As you take action, regularly assess how you’re progressing. If you’re not making the progress you desire, be willing to adjust your approach or strategies. Flexibility and adaptability are key to success.

  • Keep Going; Plug into the Power of Persistence

Success is rarely immediate. It requires dedication, determination, and the ability to persist through challenges and setbacks. Persistence is the quality that keeps you moving forward, even when things get tough. Always plug into the power of persistence, and don’t give up easily despite your circumstances.



In conclusion, self-coaching is a great way to grow and change, as shown by the amazing story of Jimmy Nail, a troubled young man who went on to become an internationally renowned entertainer. Jimmy’s story serves as a reminder that we all have a part to play in shaping our own destiny through the decisions we make, the things we do, and the things we nurture in our minds and hearts. As we look back on Jimmy’s journey from troubled young man to world-renowned entertainer, we’re reminded of one of life’s most fundamental principles: cause and effect. No matter how small or large, every action we make has an impact on our lives. It’s a reminder that we can make a difference, no matter how scary our past may be.


Jimmy’s success was not merely a stroke of luck. It was a result of deliberate practice of self-coaching. From Jimmy’s experience, we can derive valuable strategies for rebuilding our future as have shared and realizing success in our lives. The journey to success is a continuous process, and self-coaching is the compass that guides us. Self-coaching is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s a personalized journey where you define what success and happiness mean to you in various aspects of your life. It empowers us to shape our lives, no matter our past circumstances, and to define happiness and success on our terms. As you embark on your path of self-coaching, remember that you have the power to create the life you desire through conscious choices, action, and unwavering persistence. Your future is in your hands, and it’s never too late to start shaping it.



Take a moment and think through these questions; “How are my thoughts causing, creating, and maintaining my current life circumstances?” “How can I begin interpreting my world differently?” “How can I change my patterns of thinking?” “How can I model other people’s successful behaviors, habits, decisions, thoughts and actions?”  How can incorporate self-coaching into my life. And what conscious choices and actions I am committed to taking for personal growth and success? As you seek answers, don’t forget that every action whether small or huge taken has an impact on your life. No one is going to change you, expect yourself. Therefore, take ownership of your life actively work on making the changes and the future you desire through self-coaching.


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