
My Quest for Light Series (002)


At the start of 2021, I was engrossed in a Spiritual battle. Nothing seemed to be working for my sake. Worst of all, God seemed very far from me. The prayers could not work. I added fasting but I was not getting a break through. I confided in my Spiritual mentor but still nothing came through. It was the worst season I have ever gone through. Gospel music was not helping. I searched for God but no where.


One day (around April), as I was searching through YouTube, I came across a series on Honor ( by Apostle Moses Mukisa of Worship Harvest Ministries ( By the end of the sermon, which is around 1 hour, I was sorted out. I felt the presence of God after a long time. Tears were flowing. What a day in my life? I will never forget that day as long as I live. I felt completely normal Spiritually.


I realized that I was not Honoring my parents. The relationship with my parents was shaky. I repented and confessed to start Honoring my parents. That was a big turning point in my Spiritual life. The relationship with my parents is improving steadily.


Additionally, I also started Honoring God with Tithe and First Fruits (“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.”- Proverbs 3:9, NIV.). I had taken long without paying tithe. Since then I have consistently paid Tithe. The next move is the First Fruits. I would encourage anyone to read the book The Principle and Practice of Honor by Apostle Moses Mukisa ( Honor as a Christian is a must.


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