Geotechnical Investigations for Proposed Construction Site of the Task Force Offices/Administration Block and Geophysical Survey for the Proposed Gulu University Constituent College in Moroto
The Government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), directed the establishment of the Gulu University Constituent College of Agriculture in Karamoja, anchored on the philosophy that national development can be enhanced by a properly integrated and coordinated agricultural education. As part of the work plan, SADRiNE Infrastructure Services (SID) Limited was tasked with conducting geotechnical investigations and geophysical surveys for the construction site of the task force offices/administration block. The investigations, conducted under the supervision of Samuel Jjuuko, aimed to determine the engineering properties of the subsurface soils and guide the design and construction of suitable foundations.
The study involved comprehensive field investigations and laboratory testing from May 1st to 3rd, 2022, followed by detailed analysis and report writing. The report provided geotechnical recommendations for foundations, earthwork, and drainage designs, ensuring the project’s technical feasibility and sustainability. The findings highlighted the importance of a thorough understanding of the site’s geological and geomorphological conditions, contributing to the successful implementation of the Gulu University Constituent College of Agriculture in Moroto