
Wisdom Nuggets (002)_Interviewer


According to Wikipedia “An interview is a structured conversation where one participant asks questions, and the other provides answers.” Generally, you have the interviewer(s) on one side and the interviewee (candidate) on the other side. The main purpose of the interview is to evaluate the qualifications of the prospective candidate or employee. The interviewer asks questions to gain insight into the personality of the interviewee. Hence determine whether you are fit for the job/position applied for. It is best practice for the interviewer to create a comfortable and appealing environment in the interview setting. Actually the best interviewers establish trust and rapport with the interviewees.


My Recent Interview

I recently had a virtual interview with an international company for a consultancy job in Uganda. The interviewers were two. These guys just made the whole interview process amazing and interesting. Even if I had not got the job, I would still remember and write about this interview. Fortunately, I passed the interview. I had never felt comfortable during an interview. And I think it all goes back to the attitude of the interviewers. Are you interviewing to fail the candidate?



So I looked back at the interviews I have had in the recent past in Uganda. Conversations where I was assured that I knew nothing at all. Made look foolish to the happiness of the interviewers. Are we really sadists? Does doing that really improve your intellectual capacity? Is it a proof of what you know? When you talk to students who have gone through university, their worst time is usually during the Final Year Proposal and Project presentations.


By the way mistreating an interviewee does not improve your status. Just go and improve your intellectual status. Next time you are interviewing someone, give them the best experience. My two recent interviewers did not die. Let us stop complaining and be the change. If you have been mistreated during an interview, do not do the same to someone else.


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