Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design for Various Low Volume Roads using Appropriate Low-Cost Sealing Technology – Lot 2: Toroma-Okokorio Ferry Landing (12km), Katakwi-Toroma (18km) And Kumi-Agule Ferry Landing (15km)
The Uganda National Road Authority (UNRA) is planning to upgrade the Toroma-Okokorio Ferry Landing, Katakwi-Toroma, and Kumi-Agule Ferry Landing Roads using low-cost sealing technology. To facilitate this, M/S Beza Consulting Engineers Plc, in association with M/S AIB Consult Ltd, was contracted to provide detailed engineering design consultancy services. As part of this assignment, SADRiNE Infrastructure Services (SID) Limited was sub-contracted to conduct geotechnical, soils, and materials investigations, which included soil test pitting, dynamic cone penetration testing, and construction materials surveys, to inform the design and construction of these roads.
The geotechnical investigations aimed to determine the subgrade characteristics and identify suitable materials for pavement construction. This entailed field investigations such as alignment trial pits, dynamic cone penetration tests, and sampling of soil and construction materials, followed by comprehensive laboratory testing. The findings and recommendations, compiled in a factual report, ensure the technical feasibility and sustainability of the proposed road upgrades, supporting the successful implementation of the low-volume road project.